As I have Aromatherapy background, I used essential oils for diffusers in my treatment room. Plesant aroma helps to relax, moreover, it protects both client and therapist against interacting negatively in their mind and spirit level. Also, certain essential oils such as Eucalyptus work as air purifier, and it would be great to have them in a diffuser. I choose oils for each client to make the therapy perfect.
Aromatherapy is not a medical treatment, and you can easily access to essential oils and use them for your daily life. But you should consult your doctor for any medical conditions. Refer to this page for understanding the properties of each essential oil to make a perfect blend of your own.
These are essential oils that I currently use in my practice. To make a perfect blend, choose the oils that you are interested in, smell them (if you can't accept the aroma, don't use it). For well-balanced blend, make sure you have all notes.
I am here to help you!!
Name or the essential oil-Botanical name (Note T-top, M-middle,B-base): Country of origin. Method of extraction. Aroma. Property and common uses in aromatherapy.
Bergamot-Citrus bergamia (T): France. Cold pressed from fruit peel. Delightfully fresh, citrusy aroma. Uplifting the sprits and relatively relaxing (for depression and anxiety), strong affinity for the uniro-genital tract (anti-septic for very early stages). Use always diluted and less than 2% due to photosensitizing effect (except bergapten-free products).
Clary Sage-Salvia sclarea (M): France. Steam distilled from leaves and flowers. Dry, musky, bittersweet floral aroma. Most powerful relaxants in aromatherapy (for any stress-related illness), anti-spasmodic (muscular tension, asthma, and migraine arises from mental or emotional stress), tonic (helpful in convalescence), warming (digestive problems especially cramps or griping colicky pains), emmenagogue (use in the first half of mental cycle for scanty or missing period. Never use during pregnancy), preventing excessive sweat and mucus (for greasy hair), aphrodisiac (stress and tension related).
Eucalyptus-Eucalyptus globulus (T): China. Steam distilled from leaves and twigs. Fresh, camphoraceous aroma. Best known as a decongestant (use in inhalation for colds and catarrh). Very powerful antibacterial and antiviral action (2% spray protects from flu), insect repellent, anti-septic (combine with Bergamot for cold sores, genital herpes), relieve pain (for rheumatism, muscular aches, etc.).
Frankincense-Boswellia carteri (B): France. Steam distilled from resin. Fresh, woody, spicy aroma. Calming (slow down and deepen the breath), meditation aid (calming effect on emotions), anti-septic (for pulmonary infection. bronchitis, tonic (for older skin), affinity for the urino-genital tract (infection, abnormally heavy period)
Geranium-Pelargonium graveolens (M): Egypt. Steam distilled from flowers and leaves. Heavy, sweet, floral aroma. Anti-depressant, anti-septic, astringent (skin care -balancing the production of sebum), hemostatic (for injuries), delightful perfumue (soap), balancing effect (male and female hormones -menopausal problems), diuretic actions (cellulitis, fluid retention, edema)
Grapefruits-Citrus paradisi (T): Mexico. Cold pressed from fruit peel. Fresh, tangy citrus aroma. Sunny oil (anti-depressant -for people with obesity and depressed particularly in winter), diuretic and detoxifier (for fluid retention, cellulite, and lymphatic stimulant -with geranium, disperse lactic acid from muscles), tonic (skin and scull). Not a photosensitizer.
Jasmine Absolute-Jasminum gradiflorum (M): Egypt. Solvent extracted from flower. Warm, rich, deeply floral aroma. Valuable uterine tonic (menstrual pain and cramps, same as Marjoram), relaxing aphrodisiac (sexual problems come from tension, anxiety, depression, and fear), powerful anti-depressant (for lethargy and lack of confidence), skin care (for hot, dry, and sensitive skin). Use in tiny amounts.
Juniper Berry-Juniperus communis (M): Bulgaria. Steam distilled from berries. Fresh, green, fruity balsamic undertone aroma. Affinity with the urino-genital tract (for light cystitis, pyelitis, leucorrhea -with bath), astringent, anti-septic, and detosyfying (hemorrhoids, acne -with Frankincense, for poor elimination -rheumatism, gout, arthritis, cellulite), cleansing (mental, emotional, and physical).
Lavender-Lavandula angustifoia (M): Bulgaria. Steam distilled from flowering tops. Sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma. The best versatile oil, and the most important property is its ability to restore unbalanced states whether of mind or body. Analgesic, anti-septic, and antibiotic (for colds, coughs, and sinusitis -with steam inhalation, for burns and injuries -promote healing and helps to prevent scarring, for local pain and reaction to pain of the CNS -headache, arthritis, muscular pain, menstrual pain, for minor upsets of infancy), toning and sedative action on the heart muscle (for high blood pressure, palpitation), skin care -use less than 1% for face (anti-inflammatory and stimulates the growth of new cells -same as Neroli and Tea tree), insecticidal (insect repellent, for pet), fungicidal (for athlete's foot), psychological balancing (for hysteria, depression, mood swing).
Lemon-Citrus Limonim (T): Cold pressed from fruit peel. Unmistakable smell of fresh lemons. Stimulating white corpuscles (for infectious illnesses such as cold and flu -also fresh squeezed lemon juice works), hemostatic (for minor injuries and nosebleeds), helps to maintain acidity (for gastric acidity, rheumatism, gout, arthritis), general tonic effect (for circulatory system -varicose veins, high blood pressure), skin care -can cause irritation though (astringent -for greasy skin, mild bleach -for dull and discolored skin).
Mandarin-Citrus reticulata (T): USA. Cold pressed from fruit peel. Light, fruity, citrus aroma. Tonic and stimulant effect on both stomach and liver (for digestive problems -calming intestines, more effective when used in a synergistic combination with other citrus oils), gentle action -"children's remedy (tummy upset including for children, wise choice for anybody who is a little fragile, particularly the elderly).
Palmarosa-Cymbopogon martinii (M): Nepal. Steam distilled from grass. Sweet, floral, rosy, geranium-like aroma. Powerful bactericide (particularly active against intestinal infections such as gastroenteritis), Skin care (hydrating and helping balancing sebum production, stimulates cellular regeneration like Lavender and Neroli,
Patchouli-Pogostemon cablin (B): Sri Lanka. Steam distilled from leaves. Earthy, smoky, spicy, and musky aroma. Skin care (anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, cell-regenerator, and anti-fungal -acne, cracked skin, athlete's foot), anti-depressant (for treating obesity when underlying cause is anxiety).
Peppermint-Mentha piperita (T): India. Steam distilled from flowering plant. Freshly, very minty, hot, herbaceous, with a vegetative back note aroma. Anti-spasmodic -best known for digestive upsets (for colic, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting and stomach pain), cooling feverish condition (for cold and flu -with Lavender/Marjoram to combat the chilly, depressed feeling), induces sweating (reduces fever -cold compress, clears nasal passages and sinuses -steam inhalation), analgesic (headache and migraine -cold compress), cephalic (stimulates the brain and aids clear thinking -like Rosemary), insect repellent.
Pine-Pinus sylvestris (T): Hungary/Austria. Steam distilled from needles. Expectorant and powerful pulmonary anti-septic (for bronchitis, all coughs, colds, catarrh, sinusitis, and sore throats -use in steam inhalation with Eucalyptus or Tea Tree), stimulating effect on the circulation (relieve the pain of rheumatism arthritis, and muscular aches). Use well diluted as it could cause skin irritation.
Rosemary-Rosmarinus officinalis (M): Spain. Steam distilled from flowering tops. Strong, fresh, camphor-like and with a woody-balsamic undertone aroma. Stimulant effect on CNS and sensory and motor nerves, brain stimulant (improving memory), piercing quality for respiratory problems (for common cold, catarrh, sinusitis), analgesic without sedative effects (relieve pain in rheumatism arthritis, and over worked muscles), skin care (for face and skull). Use only small amount. Do not use for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure.
Sandalwood-Santalum spicatum (B): Australia. Steam distilled from roots and heartwood. Soft, woody, extremely tenacious and somewhat balsamic aroma. Pulmonary anti-septic and sedative (for dry, persistent and irritating coughs, bronchitis, and sore throats), astringent, anti-septic, and soothing (for acne and barber's rash, also beneficial for dry, dehydrated skin), aphrodisiac.
Sweet Marjoram-Origanum majorana (M): Egypt. Steam distilled from flowering plant. Bright, sweet, balsamic aroma. Sedative (for insomnia -use in warm bath with Lavender), dilates the arteries (for high blood pressure), increases local circulation (for muscle stiffness, reduces pain of rheumatism and arthritis, improves joint mobility), anti-spasmodic (reduces intestinal cramps and menstrual cramps), warming effect on the mental and emotional level (for people who are lonely or suffering grief), anti-aphrodisiac (lessening both emotional response and physical sensation). Do not abuse for it can dull the senses and cause drowsiness, and in large amounts is stupefying.
Tea Tree-Melaleuca alternifolia (M): South Africa. Steam distilled from leaves and twigs. Warm, fresh, spicy-camphoraceous aroma. Two important inter-related facts 1) active against all three categories of infectious organisms: bacteria, fungi, and viruses, 2) a powerful immunostimulant. So, when the body is threatened by anu of these organisms, Tea Tree increases its ability to respond. Gentle to skin (can be used undiluted for cold sores, verrucae, and warts etc. -don't use for people who are sensitive to this oil).
Ylang Ylang-Cananga odorata (B): Madagascar. Steam distilled from flower. Rich, sweet floral aroma. Slow down over-rapid breathing and over-rapid heartbeat (for shocked, frightened, anxious, or extremely angry people), hypotensive, balancing the secretion of sebum (for both dry and oily skins), anti-depressant and aphrodisiac (to break the vicious circle of anxiety about sexual inadequacy).